Did You Make Your Bed Today?
Leonie: may the power of soap and water be with you
Mags: I know it's so bizarre, but some of us (two of my sisters and my mom) are just so so so much happier when things are clean.
Mags: to the point that we can't fully enjoy things when they're not; like if I have people over and our den is a mess? fuck it
Leonie: I have that too
Mags: (not that it would be of course, because I would have obsessively cleaned it before anyone came over)
Leonie: I can't really study or sit down and have tea if the place is a mess
Mags: yeah
Leonie: good Mags
Mags: like, say it's West Wing night
Mags: Mags cannot enjoy it if there are dishes everywhere and stuff on the floor
Mags: it won't be the same
Mags: things need to be clean
Leonie: exactly
Leonie: Leonie has that too
Leonie: she'll come back from uni, totally knackered, dying for a cup of tea, yet cannot have that cup of tea until everything is clean
Leonie: that means *all* the dishes
Leonie: and the floor
Mags: do you make your bed when you wake up?
Leonie: always
Mags: awesome
Leonie: it just looks... bad if you don't
Mags: my roommate doesn't
Leonie: in my humble opinion
Mags: and I'm just like...
Mags: "!?! That’s like never getting out of bed. It's nearly slovenly. Make it in the morning, and it's SO much better getting into it at night"
Mags: but many don't agree with us
Mags: and it's a terrible thing
Leonie: it is, yes
Leonie: it's the decay of morals and values
Mags: horrendous really
Leonie: if you stop making the bed, what's next!?
Mags: no more brushing teeth
Leonie: no more showering?
Mags: no more hair brushing
Mags: and eventually
Mags: no more clothes changing
Leonie: no more new undies?
Leonie: bluergh
Mags: the decay of civilization
Mags: traced conveniently back to a lazy morning
Leonie: the end of the world as we know it
Mags: outrage
Leonie: all because somebody couldn't be bothered to get up on time...
Mags: well
Mags: I will admit that it happened to me once
Mags: at the worst possible time
Mags: but even, in that slapdash hurry to my taxi
Mags: I threw the comforter over the pillows and the rest of the bed
Leonie: I know
Mags: because...you have to have standards
Leonie: you couldn't help it
Leonie: you... tried
Mags: yes
Leonie: if the world's against you, what can you do
Leonie: evil cab drivers decided to mess with your good upbringing
Leonie: ooh - that sounds a little dirty
Mags: I say screw'em and make my bed anyway, as everyone should do, and I use every day as a reminder
Mags: haha
Mags: I think "I still remember that day, when I didn't make my bed...and so it remained unmade for 10 days while I was away...but I came back, and it was awful. It was the first thing I did upon entering my room...making that bed...I make it every day now...because I have the opportunity"
Leonie: because I can
Leonie: exactly
Leonie: it's a choice
Leonie: one everybody has to make for themselves
Leonie: when they are ready
Leonie: but you know it's the right one
Mags: exactly
Mags: I am morally righteous in my bed-making policies
Leonie: and you should be
Mags: (but in nothing else)
Leonie: (shhh)
At April 07, 2005 7:02 PM, Anonymous said…
after redaing that I'm almost feeling guilty coz I don't do my bed every morning, just when people come around.
almost :P
At April 20, 2005 9:29 AM, Anonymous said…
Actually, it's healthier to not make your bed, according to a couple of researchers. See, when you make your bed, the matrass won't get exposed to air, so the damp stays in there, and then you get all kinds of nasty mildew.
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