
Fischism is so the cousin for you.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Never Mind the Buzzcut

Mags: oh man

Mags: so...

Mags: remember how getting my brother a haircut was on my list?

Leonie: yes?

Leonie: you make that sound like they cut his head off instead of his hair

Mags: yeah...

Mags: well

Mags: sort of

Leonie: that's not reassuring at all

Mags: I showed them a picture of kind of a standard boy-cut

Mags: like, an inch and a half on top

Mags: and 3/4 inch on the sides

Mags: and....

Mags: they pretty much gave him a buzz

Leonie: they reversed it?

Leonie: oh man

Leonie: poor kid

Mags: he actually kind of likes it

Leonie: can you shave his head and let him tell his friends it was for a good cause?

Leonie: oh, that's good then

Mags: my mother I suspect...will not

Mags: so now he's washing his...head

Leonie: lol

Mags: mom is gonna go nuts

Mags: she *hates* buzz cuts

Mags: I took a picture of what the hair was supposed to look like though

Mags: so I have that as an excuse

Leonie: yes

Leonie: totally

Leonie: good thinking there, sherlock

Leonie: can you call her and make sure she's prepared?

Leonie: so that she doesn't... expect a lovely coiffed boy and find the buzzcut?

Mags: I don't think so

Mags: man

Mags: I might

Leonie: that's what I'd do

Leonie: besides

Leonie: if she freaks out on the phone, you hand it over to your pre-instructed brother who then raves about his rad haircut

Mags: he'll rave about it when she sees it

Mags: I will give her a call though

Mags: I'm a little scared

Leonie: awww

Leonie: don't be

Leonie: it's not your fault

Leonie: you could always say you tried to protest but then the hairdresser gave you this evil look and signalled she'd cut his ear off if you didn't sit straight back down

Mags: haha

Mags: maybe

Leonie: I mean - it was the hair or the ear

Leonie: hair grows back, pulling a Vincent is rather more permanent

Mags: heh

Leonie: or, you could totally dye his hair bright blue with a washable dye

Leonie: just to take the piss out of the shit haircut

Leonie: or braid what's left, or make a thousand mini pony tails

Mags: there's...nothing left

Leonie: or stuff so much gel in there you can't tell where the gel stops and the boy begins

Mags: I mean...

Mags: it's a half-inch all around

Leonie: can you go and buy him a mean looking beanie?

Leonie: what did you say at the hairdresser's?

Leonie: did she apologise at all?

Mags: no

Mags: she thought it was awesome

Mags: she was really sweet

Mags: it's just...

Mags: there's no hair left

Mags: he looks like he's recovering from a bout with cancer

Leonie: oh dear

Leonie: you just made me laugh so much

Leonie: I'm sorry

Mags: heh

Mags: it's very short

Leonie: I was just picturing the sheer you look of terror on your face as the hairdresser stood there beaming with pride

Mags: and his hair was so long before

Mags: that he's got like a tan line

Leonie: and your brother looking all "send us money now, research could save my life!"

Mags: that's half an inch lower than his hair line

Leonie: oh dear

Leonie: that visual makes it just that much better

Leonie: I am so sorry

Leonie: it's just... funny

Leonie: I feel for you, I really do

Mags: heh

Leonie: but oh man

Mags: feel for my mom

Leonie: this is so fischism worthy...

Mags: thank god it's summer

Leonie: baseball cap!

Mags: and there's not a graduation or anything this year for us

Mags: so nothing where he'd have to have his picture taken

Leonie: hreh

Leonie: maybe you could get a picture of his previous 'do printed at life size, and he can wear it as a mask whenever he does have to be in a picture

Leonie: or you could photoshop his hair back in afterwards

Mags says: heh

At this point, I would like to extend a “You rock!” to Mags’ awesome brother, who kindly let us use this conversation for Fischism, despite the fact that it mostly consists of us having a laugh at his lack of hair. You rock! Also, notice how we nicely worked in something the lovely Romy pointed out, namely that Vincent van Gogh cut his ear off, something I must admit I am embarrassed I got wrong in the first place. Hey, it only took us a month and a half to update. Fantastic.


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