
Fischism is so the cousin for you.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Banner Crazy!

Here is a lovely fun assortment of banners for our minimal readership to spread to all corners of the interweb...if the interweb has corners that is. Regardless, without further ado, banners!

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Enjoy! And spread forth!

(All artwork copyright Mags and Leonie 2005)

Monday, September 19, 2005


What do you ponces think of this banner?

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We'll see if Leonie likes it. If everything's a go, spread it far and wide.

Nd Ln, why dn't w tlk wtht vwls nymr? Nd wh r ths fcks wh kp spmmng s. Dltd.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Student Behaviour

Aside from being hilariously funny (even if it's just because we try so hard and it isn't working), we also have a life. Now, as most students, we have a life that consists of having to do work and not doing it. On time, or at all. With the fourth week of this semester coming up, both myself and Mags are already stressed little students desperately trying to ignore the ever growing pile of work they have to do. It was time for a change:

Leonie: I have perfectionistic procrastination
Leonie: it's because I want to do so well that I don't do anything, because if I don't, then that means I can't screw up
Mags: yeah
Mags: I'm that way except perfectionist
Leonie: and by being this way I screw myself over time and time again
Mags: I'm just...
Leonie: this being proof
Leonie: I should be doing maths
Mags: I'm so convinced of what needs to be done
Mags: I need to do all my reading for English
Leonie: I know
Mags: and I need to talk to my history Professor about leaving early
Leonie: I have it all lined out
Mags: but I didn't see him at all this week
Leonie: but then I just don't do it
Mags: me neither
Leonie: it sucks doesn't it?
Leonie: before Monday, I have to finish this massive Maths homework
Leonie: including the computer assingments
Leonie: I have to rewrite my literature essay and add heaps of stuff
Leonie: I have to edit someone else's because I was foolish enough to say I'd do it
Leonie: I have to read 3 chapters of history
Leonie: that's 150 pages
Leonie: because I kind of er... neglected that a little
Mags: yeah
Leonie: I have to write a one page outline of my history essay I'm going to write on the Jacobite revolts in Scotland
Mags: I have to go buy a textbook I've not bought for the last three weeks
Leonie: and I have only started doing maths
Mags: I have to catch up on 3 weeks of reading
Leonie: k, here's the deal
Leonie: you go and buy that textbook
Mags: I have to learn everything for geography
Leonie: I mean now
Leonie: now now now
Mags: I can't get there
Leonie: buy buy buy
Leonie: why not?
Mags: no car
Mags: it's 2 miles away
Leonie: good point
Leonie: bus?
Mags: not on saturdays
Leonie: OK
Leonie: then here's the deal
Mags: heh
Leonie: you are going to go and read geography now
Mags: that's something I can delay
Leonie: and I'm going to go and do maths now
Mags: but the geography
Mags: I have an exam on Wednesday
Leonie: now now now NOW
Leonie: go Mags
Leonie: go go go
Leonie: read
Mags: heh
Leonie: study
Leonie: now
Mags: you go go go Leonie
Leonie: and I'll do maths
Leonie: yes
Leonie: we can do this
Mags: all right
Leonie: this is going to work fantastically
Mags: I'll be back in...2 hours
Leonie: yes
Leonie: me too
Leonie: and then we report
Mags: deal

Unfortunately, now that I have created this post, I really have nothing else to use for procrastination purposes. I might even have to consider doing work. Ono.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Effort and/or Lack Thereof

Leonie: Seriously, the only cool person to be born
on my birthday was some long dead Scottish king.
Mags: heh
Mags: Hugh Grant
Mags: Adam Sandler
Mags: and some others on mine
Mags: Michelle Williams - of Dawson's Creek
Leonie: I hate Michelle Williams
Leonie: because she's having Heath Ledger's baby
Leonie: which is unfair
Leonie: to all women
Mags: and the Portuguese girl from Love Actually
Mags: well
Mags: Heath has gotten kind of gross
Leonie: Heath Ledger - you don't want him, but he isn't allowed to date either
Leonie: does that make sense?
Mags: I'm kind of past that
Mags: I only want him in a...
Mags: 10 things I hate about you capacity
Leonie: Ten Things I Hate About you way!
Leonie: yes
Leonie: I was typing that too
Leonie: he was cute
Mags: heh
Mags: but after that...
Mags: not at all
Leonie: luckily I've got my very own dark haired cute Aussie
Leonie: woo :D
Mags: very lucky indeed
Leonie: yes :)
Mags: there are some people though...
Mags: that girls find attractive
Mags: taht I would run away from
Mags: like Colin Farrell?
Mags: yuck
Leonie: Colin Farrell was cute when I saw him in Instyle two years ago, as some unknown Irish actor
Leonie: he was scruffy then
Mags: blech
Leonie: but not an STD magnet
Mags: he looks like you could catch hepatites just by looking at him
Mags: hepatites...or however the fuck you spell it
Mags: hepatitis
Leonie: he looks like he is enjoying the fact that he can now actually afford crack
Leonie: in between making babies with one-night-stand models
Leonie: or maybe 'while'
Mags: yikes
Mags: he totally grosses me out
Mags: he really always has
Mags: in everything but The Recruit
Mags: he was...pwoar in taht
Leonie: early stuff isn't too bad I suppose
Leonie: but fame got to him
Leonie: fame, and Britney Spears
Leonie: I'm not sure which one is worse
*Mags shudders*
Leonie: on the topic of Ms Spears
Leonie: what happened to her?!
Leonie: I know pregnant women can.. gain a bit of weight
Leonie: but what happened to glowing soon-to-be mums?
Leonie: she's a.. scruffy white trash soon-to-be cheated on mum
Mags: she was white trash before
Leonie: for her sake, I pray it's some form of method acting for her new album titled "White Trash & Back to Hollywood", in which she'll sing songs about the poor homeless and cool grunge people
Leonie: and yes, she was - however, she managed to conceal that, and actually look almost cute
Leonie: it's going to be a boy too, right?
Leonie: Poor kid, with those inflated balloons for breasts, she won't be able to breast feed - the boy won't see breasts until he's 21!
Mags: I think twins actually
Leonie: I think triplets
Leonie: or octaplets, or whatever eight kids are called
Mags: heh
Mags: that's right
Leonie: the thing is, I think the fug girls are totally unfair on her half the time
Leonie: she tries
Leonie: but she needs to buy some bloody shampoo and conditioner
Leonie: and get a shower
Mags: heh
Leonie: because the hair is... awful
Mags: that's not trying
Mags: washing is essential
Leonie: the clothes... I understand she doesn't fit in low rise make-teenage-boys-horny pants anymore
Leonie: so... yeah... I can forgive her for the tents
Mags: heh
Leonie: they're rather cute half the time
Leonie: but good lord - superbleached hair with no conditioner?
Leonie: that's like the Netherlands without dunes
Leonie: catastrophe

Friday, September 09, 2005

Mags: Now With Added Legality

Mags is 21!

Mags' Birthday!

Yes, it's true. Mags is now officially legal. Both Liam and myself already were, in our respective home countries. Mags has now also entered the age of booze. Or perhaps I should say that she's now officially entered the age of booze. Either way, enjoy and have a fantastic day (try not to get arrested for public drunkenness straightaway :)!

Oh. Right. Fischism will have you know that we do not support or encourage getting wasted in any way bla bla disclaimer cookies.